ISTDP Australia

"Freud discovered the unconscious Davanloo has discovered how to use it therapeutically”. David Malan, 1980

Upcoming ISTDP Trainings


We are offering a range of trainings in
Intensive Short Term Dynamic Psychotherapy (ISTDP) in 2024
All trainings can be attended via Zoom if it is not possible to attend in person

For further information about any of our trainings, please email: [email protected]

1 June 2024

Demystifying Projections

A one-day training with Diane Byster.
Via Zoom from the U.S.A.

Sat 29 June
8am to 4pm

Treating PTSD with ISTDP

A one-day training in using ISTDP with PTSD including video demonstration of the treatment of war-related PTSD, with Johannes Ermagan.
Via Zoom from Sweden.

Sat 6 July
10am to 4pm (Auckland time)

A Brief Introduction to Unlocking the Unconscious with ISTDP

with Clinical Psychologist and ISTDP Teacher, Julie Cochrane. Session will be held in Auckland, New Zealand.

19 October 2024

Couples Therapy with ISTDP

A one-day training with Diane Byster.
Via Zoom from the U.S.A.

25-27 October 2024

Pre-Core Training and Introductory Workshop in ISTDP

A three-day basic training in ISTDP with Julie Cochrane.
In person in Melbourne or via Zoom

Further training in Couples Therapy in ISTDP in 2025.

For further information about any of these trainings, and for registration: [email protected]

We offer individual ISTDP therapy, couples therapy, group therapy, individual and group supervision, in addition to one-day, three-day and three-year trainings in ISTDP. Email [email protected] for further information


“I have immensely benefited from her observations and suggestions regarding my clients. Julie has a very meticulous attention to detail about the technique of ISTDP. She has a step by step approach to apply the theory and technique to the client’s problems. She has encouraged me to follow the moment by moment interventions and I have seen amazing results emerge from following up on her suggestions. Even though miles away in India, I have found no logistical difficulties in connecting for the supervision over Skype. I wish she continues this superb work and helps many more trainees like me.”

— Dr Darshan Shah
Psychiatrist and ISTDP Core Training Trainee
Ahmedabad, India

“I highly recommend Julie Cochrane as both a psychotherapist and teacher/supervisor.   As a therapist, Julie is remarkably attuned and attentive. She helps each client find their personal growth edge with her warm, understanding presence and productive focus. As a supervisor, Julie has a gift for helping therapists identify their personal learning blocks and compassionately guiding them through to improved effectiveness. Julie is highly sensitive to differences of culture, race, gender, etc., and treats every client and trainee as a unique person. Do yourself a favour and see Julie!”

— Tony Rousmaniere
PsyD, Clinical Psychologist
Author of Deliberate Practice for Psychotherapists: A Guide to Improving Clinical Effectiveness

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