ISTDP Australia

"Freud discovered the unconscious Davanloo has discovered how to use it therapeutically”. David Malan, 1980

Pre-Core Training in ISTDP

This is a three-day workshop for mental health professionals seeking an introduction to the theory and practice of Intensive Short Term Dynamic Psychotherapy (ISTDP).

Suitable for those who are considering starting three-year Core Training in ISTDP, but don’t have a clear picture of what Intensive Short Term Dynamic Psychotherapy (ISTDP) is.

This workshop will cover the basic theory of Intensive Short Term Dynamic Psychotherapy with a specific focus on the skills required to begin implementing ISTDP in your therapeutic work.

In addition to didactic lectures, you will watch videotapes that illustrate the specific theory and techniques that you are learning and participate in skills-building exercises to practise these techniques.

We will cover:

  • forming a therapeutic alliance
  • The Triangle of Conflict and the Triangle of Person
  • establishing an intrapsychic conflict
  • diagnosing and regulating anxiety
  • an introduction to defence work
  • assessing strengths and capacities
  • facilitating the experience of emotions
  • psychodiagnosing your patient in order to specifically tailor ISTDP for them and
  • identifying patients for whom ISTDP is contraindicated.

We will also talk about solitary deliberate practice and its role in significantly improving skills, expertise, and outcome in psychotherapy, and the process of video-recording your therapy sessions.

If you wish to apply for the Introductory Workshop in Intensive Short Term Dynamic Psychotherapy, please request and complete the application form and return it with your deposit.

Julie Cochrane is a Clinical Psychologist who has been practicing ISTDP for over 25 years, introducing it to Australia. She is certified by both The ISTDP Insitute and the InternaBonal ExperienBal Dynamic Therapy AssociaBon (IEDTA) to teach and supervise ISTDP. She completed Core Training and Advanced Training in Stockholm, Sweden, and has also completed a 3.5-year teacher training course in ISTDP.

Julie is the Director of Dynamic Psychotherapy in Carlton (Melbourne), which has over 26 therapists fully trained, or in training, in ISTDP and offers individual therapy to adults, adolescents and children, and couples therapy.

Julie teaches and supervises ISTDP in Australia and internationally, including mental health professionals in New Zealand, India, Iran, Israel, Lebanon, Malaysia, Portugal and Turkey.

Future dates

25-27 October 2024

Pre-Core Training and Introductory Workshop in ISTDP

A three-day basic training in ISTDP with Julie Cochrane.
In person in Melbourne or via Zoom

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