ISTDP Australia

"Freud discovered the unconscious Davanloo has discovered how to use it therapeutically”. David Malan, 1980

New workshop with Jon Frederickson

The Patient Who Beat His Child

Sunday 12th of February 2023

via Zoom from 8 am to 4 pm
Melbourne time, Australia

Full fee: AUD 320.00

Fee for full-time students is AUD 160.00

  • How can we work with parents who feel strong impulses to beat and kill their children?
  • Is it safe to explore feelings?
  • How do we figure that out?
  • What drives such an urge?
  • How do we intervene and help such a patient including breaking the intergenerational transmission of trauma?

Jon Frederickson teaches on these points using video of therapy with a patient.   He will teach how to assess patients’ capacities to explore frightening feelings and impulses. And he will reveal how the issues of intergenerational transmission of trauma show up in multiple conflicts that require careful analysis.

Jon Frederickson, MSW

Author, Co-Creating Change: effective dynamic therapy techniques
The Lies We Tell Ourselves: how to face the truth, accept yourself, and create a better life, Co-Creating Safety: Healing the Fragile Patient
Psychotherapy videos and skill building exercises at:

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